Digital Preservation Tool Grid. This tool grid is the product of researching digital preservation tools by Digital POWRR team members in early 2. This is a snapshot in time, if you will. We are not maintaining this grid. Rather, we have thrown our support behind COPTR, a Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry. The folks there worked to combine the form and function of our original POWRR grid with the far greater coverage of tools and sustainability provided by the COPTR data feed, producing the POWRR Tool Grid v. Have a look and please help maintain the currency and accuracy of COPTR by submitting your additions and editsThe information included in the original Tool Grid below was accurate to the best of our knowledge, but some information may be incorrect or have changed. We learned the information from various sources including tool websites, contacting the tool developers directly, discussion boards, and some direct tool testing. To learn more details about a tool click on the tool name. The categories and some cost cells will show more information if you hover your cursor over that cell. The dates in the additional information about each tool pertain to the most recent release of software if possible websites and other information may be more recent. The categories addressed are based on the OAIS Reference Model. We know not every tool will meet every part of the OAIS model, but we thought laying them out this way would help people see how they might fit together to do different steps needed for preservation andor storage. The POWRR team has done comprehensive testing of Archivematica, Curators Workbench, Dura. Cloud, Internet Archive, Meta. Archive, and Preservica. These tools are highlighted in blue. Have a question or comment Please, Contact UsInstall Spring Tool Suite Ubuntu ServerFortunately, every part of the USeven Alaska and Hawaiiwill see at least a partial eclipse. Plug your zip code into this tool from Vox to find out what the. Cold and inclement weather can ruin your day if youre caught unprepared. No one likes dealing with sporadic showers without an umbrella, or cold weather without a. VFabric Suite 5. 3 Supported Configurations and System Requirements Getting Started with vFabric Suite Quick Start Guide Overview of vFabric Suite 5. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Adding Continuous Integration with Hudson. Although it is great that we can install the schema and run PLSQL unit tests with just one Maven command, we can add even. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Weekly Edition Daily updates Events Calendar Book reviews Penguin Gallery. About LWN. net The LWN. Linux Distribution List You have found the LWN. Linux. Download an Excel version of the Tool Grid. ACE Audit Control EnvironmentDescription Checks and verifies the integrity of digital objects in long term repositories according to a policy set by the archive also allows a third party auditor to certify the integrity of any object. Websites https wiki. This is not a duplicate of Spring Tool Suite missing Spring MVC project template Using STS 2. RELEASE. Ace Main. Last Updated Checked on April 9th, 2. System Requirements Not available. Customer Service Discussion listboard. Additional Notes Monitoring Audits capacityAFF Open Source Computer Forensics Software. Description AFF Library and Toolkit is a set of programs for working with computer forensic information. Also includes the AFF file format. Websites https github. AFFLIBv. 3 Seems to be a similar program http www. Last Updated Checked on April 9th, 2. AFFLIBv. 3System Requirements AFFLIB and Toolkit is provided in source code form for Linux, Mac. OS and Windows. Customer Service Wiki and discussion board, that do not seem highly used. Additional Notes Seems to not really be a preservation tool, used for forensic based checking and recovery. From github website AFF Library and Toolkit is a set of programs for working with computer forensic information. Using these tools you can Interconvert disk images between a variety of formats, including raw or dd splitraw in which a single image is split between mulitple files En. Case or E0. 1 format AFF format in which the entire disk image is stored in a single file. AFD format in which a disk image is stored in mulitple AFF files stored in a single directory. AFM format in which an AFF file is used to annotate a raw file. Compare disk images and report the data or metadata that is different. Copy disk images from one location to another, with full verification of data, metadata, and the automatic generation of a chain of custody segment. Find errors in an AFF file and fix them. Print information about a file. Print detailed statistics about a file Generate an XML representation of a disk images metadata for example, acquisition time or the serial number of the acquisition device. Produce an XML diskprint which allows a disk image to be rapidly fingerprinted without having the computer the SHA1 of the entire disk. AFF, or Advanced Forensics Format, was created to be an extensible open file format for the storage of disk images and related metadata. This software capitalizes on this format, providing users with the tools to create disk images, allowing them to then store disk images and forensic metadata in AFF. A significant plus of this software is the importance of data tracking however, the documentation, it seems, is very poor. Without clear documentation the designated community may not be able to understand the data, which is one of the core tenets of the reference model. The designated community for the repository that would use this software would have to have a great deal of computer savvy, as the software lacks any GUI component and requires some comfort on the command line. If there are hiccups along the way, finding any customer service information is slightly challenging and requires some Internet searching. Amazon Cloud. Description Amazon Cloud is an internet based storage location designed to hold files indefinitely. Websites https www. Last Updated Checked on April 9th, 2. Current ServiceSystem Requirements Web based. Customer Service Available. Additional Notes All functions require the user to be logged into the Amazon account, including customer service and Help. Redunant copies will be kept if uploaded, but are not created automatically. Amazon Cloud stores data virtually and can be accessed from up to eight different devices, including mobile and tablets. Depending on the budget and amount of file space you require, it may be a relatively cost effective option the first five GB are free, and additional GB cost USD 0. GB per year. Amazon Cloud appears to be, on several levels, an excellent option for people who wish to conform to the OAIS reference model, particularly as it involves ease of use for the designated community. Amazon Cloud auto generates SIP, AIP, and DIP, thus creating effective metadata across the lifecycle of the data from a user perspective. The software works with the latest versions of most Internet browsers and requires very little other software to run Adobe Flash Player and Java. Script. There is a great deal of documentation to be found in a web search thanks to a large user base, and when this fails, there appears to be a fairly strong customer service team to aid with any problems. Ultimately Amazon Clouds major failing is its inability to guarantee any reliable long term bit preservation. The longevity of Amazon Cloud itself cannot be guaranteed, without considering the materials it is storing. Archive It. Description A web archiving service to harvest and preserve digital collections a service of the Internet Archive. Websites http archive it. Last Updated Checked on April 9th, 2. California Pizza Kitchen Training Manual. Current ServiceSystem Requirements Web browser and internet connection. Customer Service Available. Additional Notes The quote of 4. IWU trial evaluation, but pricing varies by both number of URLs crawled and total quantity of data stored increased storage is available after a certain point is reached. As mentioned, based on the your use case of archiving crawling domains 2x a year and social networking sites 1x a month we think the 4,0. Archive It subscription level would work well for your institution. This would allow your institution to archive up to 4 million documents and 14 terabyte of data per year. Also as mentioned we do have higher account levels that would allow for some flexibility in crawling activity.