Backing In bookbinding, the process of shaping a shoulder on each side of the binding edge of the text block after rounding, before lining is applied to the back. Last Updated 13 November 2017 Currently 1,548 Titles PRIORY OF SION BIBLIOGRAPHY Children of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail Paul Smith. CNN Quickly Scrubs Title Of Antifa Puff Peace. How did we reach a point in our society, where groups like Antifa think nothing of wreaking havoc on the streets on a regular basis These people routinely beat those they disagree with, cause property damage, and shut down dissent without a single iota of shame. You have to ask yourself, how did this group and others like it, get so bold as to think that they can flippantly disregard the law and openly riot in the streets The answer is that the media is responsible for this mess. Its the media that has repeatedly ignored, apologized for, and even celebrated their actions. How else would these thugs have come to the conclusion that what theyre doing is okayTheyre constantly being lionized by our morally bankrupt media. CNN made that perfectly clear last week. Blueprint Decoded Notes Pdf' title='Blueprint Decoded Notes Pdf' />They published a piece that was highly sympathetic to Antifa titled Unmasking the Leftist Antifa Movement Activists Seek Peace Through Violence. The original article appeared online Friday afternoon, with the headline Unmasking the Leftist Antifa Movement Activists Seek Peace Through Violence. That one mention of violence in the headline was the only real objective criticism CNNs Sara Ganim and Chris Welch had to offer throughout their lengthy piece, interviewing several self identified Antifa activistsIf this was a radical, violent right wing group, its a given that CNN would have plenty of left wing groups on hand to denounce their ideologies and behavior. When the groups violent methods were finally first brought up in the article, CNN justifies the violence as a means to an end, because, the antifa members say, theyre committing violence to eradicate hatred. Well, if you put it that way, it all makes sense And if you can believe it, CNN apparently didnt scrub the title because of public outcry. According to an update posted at the bottom of the article, This story has been updated to clarify that counterprotesters say they are not to blame for violence at the Charlottesville protest. Since the title is the only change CNN made, it appears that they were pressured by Antifa to change the title. I think the real reason Antifa wanted to change the title, is because they dont like their name being synonymous with a phrase that reeks of ends justify the means logic, even though thats exactly what theyre all about. So in short, CNN briefly exposed Antifa for what they really are, and Antifa quickly tried to convince them to change their article. And they obliged That title was the only part of the article that was really critical of this group, and they tried to memory hole it almost immediately. This is how the media keeps groups like Antifa alive and helps them grow. They constantly excuse and sugarcoat their behavior, and refuse to tell the public about what their true motives are. They cant bring themselves to call them what they are. Blueprint Decoded Notes Pdf' title='Blueprint Decoded Notes Pdf' />New online book, insightful blueprint of the Greater Israel strategy now being executed against Syria War on Syria Gateway to World War III from Tony Cartalucci. When Sir Isaac Newton wrote out his notes explaining the laws of gravity, he also wrote down his own end of days prediction. And its sooner than expected. And what they are is the kind of people who think that peace can be achieved through violence. Or as an Antifa member claimed in the article, they sometimes try to eradicate hatred through violence. In reality, violence never eradicates hatred or brings about peace, unless it eradicates every enemy. Just pray that you dont say or think anything that may be arbitrarily deemed hateful by these ignorant, street fighting teenagers. Current News from educate yourself. Scientist With Implanted RFID Chip Gets Computer Virus Jan. Was Aaron Swartz Murdered Jan 1. Yoichi Stimatsu Aaron Swartz Jan. Tyranny By Executive Order by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney Jan. Mega Billionaire, Illuminati Frontman George Soros Says Americia Needs 1. Yes, 1. 3 New Gun Laws Now Jan. Disclaimer not everything on this page is the opinion of this site the reader is invited to make up their own minds on the contents of this page. Republican Insider Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash Jan 1. 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